Diamondjake Ballooning 



If you will be using a GPS, our address is:

5025 East 36th Street South

Newton, IA 50208

(Skip this paragraph if you don't care about Jasper County's addressing system.)

In Jasper County, predominantly straight streets and roads are called numbered streets and avenues.  East-West roads are called Avenues, North-South roads are called Streets.  The numbering system starts at the Courthouse on the Newton town square with the intersection of 1st Avenue and 1st Street, and each road is numbered upward as you move away from the square.  So our address means we live 36 blocks East of 1st Street and 50 blocks South of 1st Avenue.  Roads that are not straight have names like

Lincoln Street, and some roads have names like Rusty Wallace or Iowa Speedway.  Additionally, State and County main roads will have names like IA-14 or T-74.

From I-80 exit 168 (Iowa Speedway exit):

Drive South on the 5-lane pavement to the stop sign at the entrance to the speedway parking area.

At the stop sign, turn East (left) onto Lincoln Street.  Lincoln Street is a gravel road that leads up over a hill, and curves around to the South and then winds South and Southeast.

After about a mile on Lincoln Street you will come to another stop sign at the intersection with South 44th Avenue East.  South 44th Avenue East is a blacktop road that goes back to the West.

Turn West (right) on South 44th Avenue East and go just over ½ mile to where East 36th Street South T's   off to the South (left).  East 36th Street South is a gravel road, and is easy to miss, so watch for the street sign, or watch for the power lines going to the South (left) along East 36th Street South.

Turn South on East 36th Street South and go ¾ of a mile to our home. There is a large gray galvanized steel machine shed on the East (left) side of the road across from two houses on the West (right side).  

The best place to park is in the yard of our house or on the East side of the road in the mowed grass area.  DO NOT park in the driveway between the houses since we have truck and tractor traffic going through the driveway year-round.